My Ignite Program - My Clients Help Me Choose Where to Donate!

Before I was in real estate, I worked in the non-profit world - ensuring underserved individuals received the services needed to live productive lives. While my career has changed, my philanthropic standards have not. Giving back to my community continues to be an important part of my life and I enjoy giving my clients the opportunity to participate.

For every closing I have, I donate a portion of my commission to one of four organizations. I love that my clients get to become part of the process by choosing where their donation goes depending on which non-profit speaks to them the most.

This year I added two new organizations (thanks to my clients and community for voting!). Check out their websites below to learn about my new additions and all of the amazing work they are doing in Central Oregon.

For more information, visit the sites below:

Furnish Hope

Deschutes Land Trust