My Ignite Program - My Clients Help Me Choose Where to Donate!

Before I was in real estate, I worked in the non-profit world - ensuring underserved individuals received the services needed to live productive lives. While my career has changed, my philanthropic standards have not. Giving back to my community continues to be an important part of my life and I enjoy giving my clients the opportunity to participate.

For every closing I have, I donate a portion of my commission to one of four organizations. I love that my clients get to become part of the process by choosing where their donation goes depending on which non-profit speaks to them the most.

This year I added two new organizations (thanks to my clients and community for voting!). Check out their websites below to learn about my new additions and all of the amazing work they are doing in Central Oregon.

For more information, visit the sites below:

Furnish Hope

Deschutes Land Trust

How to Shelter-in-Place in Bend & Support Local Businesses

It’s happening everywhere - social distancing orders that leave us wondering is it safe to go out for a run, to get take out, and what’s going to happen to our local businesses? How do we stay socially distant but still maintain a healthy life while supporting each other? For those of us still working from home, maintaining some sort of normalcy can be hard. In our world, my husband and I are working full time at home while also being full-time parents. As with many others, things in our world are just weird and seem to get weirder by the day.

But one thing has come to light, and that is how Bend residents have come together to lift each other up through these difficult times. Restaurants are giving away meals during a time when it is increasingly hard for them to keep their doors open. A newly formed collaboration, We Are Bend is spreading the word to service professionals who have been temporarily laid off about which restaurants they can go to to receive free meals. This include restaurant and bar workers, and those in the entertainment and hospitality industry. Bend Pizza Kitchen, Sparrow Bakery, Poke Row and La Rosa Mexican Kitchen are the restaurants participating in the effort so far.

A local group which just formed last week, has organized a call to action to start sewing masks for those that need them. Already over 1000 people have joined in the effort! Another local small business Earthie Mama has donated her stock of all natural hand sanitizer to local homeless shelters around Bend.

I hope you are as inspired by these wonderful folks in our community as I am. This why I love Bend, we are here for each other during the best times but also during the hardest times.

Restaurants have been hit especially hard and supporting them right now is a great way to bolster the local economy. Here are some of my favorites Bend restaurants that I hope you’ll consider patronizing as long as they remain open. You can get takeout for dinner, grab a quick coffee, or even purchase gift cards to use at another time.

Active Culture Cafe

Boneyard Pub (and their old tap room is open for growler fills!)

El Sancho

Wild Rose

Nancy P’s

Kevista Coffee

While these are just a few local spots to consider, there are hundreds of wonderful establishments in Bend that will take quite a hit during these tough times. For a full list, check out Visit Bend. I also have a longer list on my instagram page you can check out (see my highlights). And as always, if you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. It’s not about real estate right now, it’s about coming together as a community. If you are sick or elderly and need something delivered, I’m happy to drop food or medications at your doorstep; if you just need someone to chat with because your partner (or child) is driving you crazy, give me a call or send me a text! If you or someone close to you is struggling because they’ve been suddenly laid off or are out of work, I can help point you in the right direction to possibly get some help.

Living in Bend

Eight Reasons Why Everyone Wants to Live in Bend

Sparks Lake Bend Oregon


    Whether you are interested in water sports, climbing, mountain biking or hiking, Bend has it all. Just want to explore? Check out the varied landscapes by hiking the Newberry Lava Caves, taking in the high desert mountains at Smith Rock State Park, or enjoying your favorite winter sport at Mt. Bachelor.


    The summers are warm during the day and cool at night and the winters have a crisp high desert spark to them. Puffy jackets and sunglasses are must-haves year round. Three hundred days of sunshine is almost unheard of but not for Bend! Most of our wet days come in the form of snow in winter.


    According to recent U.S. Census Bureau statistics, the average Bend resident’s commute is still around 15 minutes. Thanks to roundabouts and seemingly endless road projects, even though the population in Bend is increasing, Bend traffic is still better than most other large towns.


    People living in Bend understand the balance in working hard and playing hard. It is not uncommon for people to bring their dogs to work and have powder days when Mt. Bachelor has had some good snow. There is a strong sense of community and residents of Bend are known to be extremely friendly and welcoming. Learn more about the Bend Pledge.


    People living in Bend take their beer very seriously. With dozens of breweries, it’s no surprise that Bend has been named “Beer Town USA”. With all the wonderful choices, you are sure to find a brewery that fits your taste. If you need a little help selecting one, check out my faves here.


    Bend has more than 80 local parks throughout the city, which make up 2,600 acres of outdoor space. From dog parks to playgrounds and everything in between, there is a park for everyone and in every part of town.


    From the great school system, multitudes of cultural events and resources, outdoor activities, and low crime rates, Bend is a wonderful place to start and raise a family! Check out my blog post on having a baby in Bend.


    If you’re looking to travel, the Redmond airport is just 15 minutes from Bend and offers direct flights to several cities on the West coast and Midwest. With short security lines, friendly staff and a full-service restaurant you’ll actually look forward to flying!

Bend Bench.jpg

September Events in Bend

September Events in Bend

Just because the seasons have shifted a bit doesn't mean the fun has to stop. There's still plenty to do during fall in Central Oregon and, BONUS, many tourists are back at home which leaves more room for locals to explore the trails, check out your favorite restaurant, or just zip around town.